News & Stories

Homelessness Charter 'Give Leicester' scheme creates contactless donation points

24th October 2019

A scheme is being launched to provide 16 contactless donation points across the city for members of the public to give £3 a time to the One Roof Leicester night shelter to help rough sleepers

Archbishops' College of Evangelists relaunched for a new century

24th October 2019

The College of Evangelists has been relaunched to support the Church of England's ambition of seeing 1,000 new evangelists trained to help others share the good news of Jesus Christ across all churchmanship traditions.

Bishop Guli's newspaper article about our vision for a truly diverse Church

21st October 2019

Bishop Guli has written a feature for the Church of England Newspaper about our vision for real transformation in Diocese of Leicester churches that will see worshippers willing to be changed by encounter with others.

New forms of church attract thousands of worshippers in Leicestershire

2nd October 2019

A report assessing the impact of work to develop a wide variety of non-traditional forms of church shows significant growth in worshippers

New Chaplain for Leicester City Women Football Club

26th September 2019

Louise Davis has taken up the role of Chaplain to Leicester City Women Football Club and has been getting to know the players and club members in recent weeks. Louise will be a pastorally proactive, spiritually reactive, non-judgmental listening ear for the club, working with everyone from the Under 9s girls to the physiotherapists, while focusing on the first team female players.

Next Archdeacon of Leicester announced

1st August 2019

The Church of England's next Archdeacon of Leicester has been named as the Revd Canon Richard Worsfold, currently Area Dean for Leicester and Vicar of the city's Church of the Martyrs.

Bishop Guli's Welcome to the Diocese

1st August 2019

In this video, we hear from Bishop Guli about what she is looking forward to as well as the main areas of ministry she will be involved in as the new Bishop of Loughborough.

The first Bishop of Loughborough consecrated at Canterbury

1st August 2019

History was made when the Archbishop of Canterbury consecrated the first Bishop of Loughborough, the Rt Revd Guli Francis-Dehqani, at Canterbury Cathedral.

Persian woman appointed as first Bishop of Loughborough

31st July 2019

The Revd Canon Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani has been appointed as the first Bishop of Loughborough.

Revd Claire Wood announced as new Archdeacon of Loughborough

31st July 2019

As Archdeacon of Loughborough, Claire will work to support churches across the western half of the Diocese of Leicester, an area which includes Loughborough, North West Leicestershire, Market Bosworth and Hinckley.

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