
Canon Chrispal Anand

Chrispal Anand, has been appointed as the new Chair of DFEMA (Diocesan Forum for Ethnic Minority Anglicans). Chrispal, who worships at Leicester's Church of the Resurrection is an honorary Lay Canon of the Cathedral, and is currently in training for Reader ministry.

The Revd David Hover

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd David Hover, curate in the Avon-Swift Benefice, in this Diocese, as Priest in Charge [Rector Designate] of Leicester Forest East and Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley.

The Revd Elizabeth (Liz) Wilson

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Liz Wilson, Team Vicar in the Benefice of Oadby, as Vicar of The Benefice of Leicester St Anne, St Paul and St Augustine.

Emily Williams

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Williams as the new Diocesan Disability Awareness Adviser.

Andrew Nutter

Andrew Nutter will be retiring from the Diocesan Team in July. He has worked for the Diocese for over 11 years as Director of Parish Funding & Fundraising and more recently as Project Manager for the two building projects that have resulted in St Martins Lodge and the House for the Community of the Tree of Life.

Canon David Palmer

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of Canon David Palmer as the new Chair of the Tier 2 Growth Fund Committee, from the 4th June 2019.

The Revd Steven Harvey

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Steven Harvey, Assistant Curate at Holy Trinity, Huddersfield in the Diocese of Leeds, as Associate Rector of Emmanuel Loughborough, a designated Resourcing Church.

Sandra Robinson

We are sad to announce the death of Sandra Robinson, who served for over 20 years as a pastoral assistant in Birstall and Wanlip.

The Revd Steven Ransley

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Steven Ransley, Curate in the Benefice of Cornerstone Team, as Team Vicar in the same benefice.

The Revd Angela Tarry

The Bishop announces that The Revd Angela Tarry, Curate at St Mary Hinckley, has moved to complete her curacy in the Hexagon Benefice.

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