News & Stories

CYM Children, Youth and Mission courses moving to the Diocese of Leicester

4th November 2019

The Diocese of Leicester is to be the new home for the Institute for Children, Youth and Mission (iCYM) courses from September 2020.

Bishop and Dean speak of football club Chairman's legacy a year on from the tragic helicopter crash

25th October 2019

Bishop and Dean of Leicester speak of football club Chairman's legacy of unity, love and generosity.

Archbishops' College of Evangelists relaunched for a new century

24th October 2019

The College of Evangelists has been relaunched to support the Church of England's ambition of seeing 1,000 new evangelists trained to help others share the good news of Jesus Christ across all churchmanship traditions.

Bishop Martyn greets the diocese

26th July 2019

The Rt Revd Martyn Snow, travelled through county and city on his first day as Bishop of Leicester Designate.

Welcome to the New Bishop of Leicester

26th July 2019

The new Bishop of Leicester is to be the Rt Revd Martyn Snow, currently Bishop of Tewkesbury. The announcement was made on the website of 10 Downing Street this morning.

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