News & Stories

God at work through Hope67

Faith, prayer and a significant nudge from God, has led to the creation of a new community money advice service in North West Leicestershire. Launched at the beginning of the year, Hope67 opened its metaphorical doors during the pandemic, and is helping some of the poorest and most in need members of the community in Coalville and the wider diocese.

Plant, Grow, Live at The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge

Cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green, strawberries and runner beans as tall as we've seen… The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge is taking tasty shape around the Christchurch building and it's an exciting prospect for both the church and its community.

Re-Fresh the School Run!

As the world tentatively opens up, we made a covid-safe call in on St Mary Magdalen Church in Knighton, to see where God was at work… Set against the backdrop of St Mary's Church and in the warmth of God's creation on this particularly sunny Wednesday morning, a group of locals have come together in faith, fellowship and the love of French pastries.

St Botolph's Library supporting local people's Everyday Faith

A church in Shepshed has seen a project to create a community library in its building finally come to fruition, after more than 18 months in the making. A team of like-minded church members and an ordinand helped bring the library to life at St Botolph's Church, with the support and inspiration from the wider community in the Charnwood town.

Prayer quilt has been made to commemorating the coming together of the community during the pandemic

Bishop Martyn unveiled the quilt at a special service at a church in Castle Donington

'Kickstarting' employment for local young adults

A small network of churches and Christian organisations around the diocese have come together to help provide jobs for young people at risk of long-term unemployment.

CLLAMS urge local Christians to write to their MP in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration

Christians in Leicester & Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery (CLLAMS) is sending a letter to the Home Office in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration – and is encouraging churches in the diocese to send their responses directly to the Home Office too, as well as encouraging individual congregants to contact their local MP about it.

National Day of Reflection

On 23 March 2021, it'll be one year since the first UK lockdown. Since then, many people have been bereaved, both as a result of Covid-19 and due to other causes. Find out more about how your church could mark this day in your community and about Leicester Cathedral's Memorial of Lament taking place in the evening online.

Fairtrade Fortnight begins

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22 February – 7 March. Find out more about this year's fortnight here.

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery are a group who long to see modern day slavery eradicated from our communities. The group is formed of Christians from the locality who come from a cross section of Christian and professional backgrounds. Read more about them here.

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