Sunny Confirmations
9th May 2022This Sunday saw confirmations take place in the sunshine
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This Sunday saw confirmations take place in the sunshine
As Bishop Saju has been Bishop of Loughborough for a couple of months now we caught up with him to get to know him a little better, hear about his initial thoughts about the diocese and his new role.
A special service was held to welcome Revd Canon Jonathan Dowman in a new role that commits to shared ministry and Growing Faith
Bishop Saju had a day of Abrahamic interfaith activity.
Resources and ideas to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee
Bishop of Leicester, Rt Revd Martyn Snow and Bishop of Loughborough, Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly, share their Easter message for 2022.
Last Saturday saw the joint ecumenical launch of two new food pantries in two Leicester city churches, one Anglican and one operated by a Moravian congregation in a Methodist church hall. Archdeacon Richard and Moravian Bishop Joachim visited both food pantries, at All Saints Belgrave and Wesley Hall Methodist church, and prayed for the two projects as they opened their doors for the first time.
As we seek to be more ‘intergenerational' in our worshiping communities, churches around the diocese are experimenting with new and creative ways to explore everyday faith together among all ages. One such church is St Paul's in Oadby who, as an Intercultural Worshiping Community, is on a journey of discovery, growing together in diversity across its many forms.
Bats, mice, spiders and the hourly chiming of bells did little to intimidate a trio of parishioners in the village of Barkby who recently spent the night sleeping in St Mary's Church to raise money for the Bishop of Leicester's Lent Appeal 2022.
The Ragoobeer & Reek families gathered together with the local community