Bishop Saju getting to know the diocese
31st March 2022The new Bishop of Loughborough as been getting to the know diocese as he travels around listening to our worshipping communities as well as local community and other faiths groups.
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The new Bishop of Loughborough as been getting to the know diocese as he travels around listening to our worshipping communities as well as local community and other faiths groups.
They join thousands in mourning the loss of Simon Cole
The Mothers' Union knitted chain has been on display at the Community of the Tree of Life Chapel
As a growing Intercultural Worshipping Community (IWC), their vision is: all ages, all cultures, living together in Jesus.
Prayers for an end to the conflict and for all those affected by the terrible impact of war
It is hoped that Jessie will start work in our diocese in June
Tracey Manns will be joining the DBE as Deputy Director after the Easter holidays
Many parish churches and both Bishops have taken part in the national Together with Refugees campaign to urge the Government to establish an asylum system that respects the human dignity of all people.
The Dean of Leicester speaks as national reports are published
Advice for parishes and clergy on helping refugees