Meet Florence Gildea our Bishop's Social Policy Adviser
10th January 2022Jon Barrett interviews our new Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Florence Gildea about her new role, her experience and what excites her about social action.
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Jon Barrett interviews our new Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Florence Gildea about her new role, her experience and what excites her about social action.
We often think about how best to use our church buildings; but how about putting some thought into how we use the outside spaces that surround them? Covid restrictions and trying to be Covid-responsible led to churches in one of our parishes coming up with new and engaging ways to use their outside space for mission in their community. St Nicholas and St Hugh, in the Parish of the Transfiguration, Little Bowden, have made the most of their outside space in some of the most difficult times during the last two years.
The Leicester Cathedral Revealed project is underway with extensive building works inside and out
A former clergy person in the diocese has been convicted of sexual offences from his time as a teacher in a non-church school in the 1970s
A fledgling church youth group has come together during Advent, to learn, laugh, eat dessert and explore faith together for the first time. The group made up of four teenagers, four adult leaders and curate Revd Ben Williams, have been meeting on Monday evenings since mid-November in Great Glen.
In another great example of churches working in partnership together churches from across Hinckley, supported by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, held ‘Carols around the Tree' in Hinckley Market Place, on Friday 10 December.
There was great joy at Boundary Farm on Sunday 12 December as a Messy Nativity took place!
The weekend of 10-12 December was an exciting one for the churches of Foxton, Gumley and Laughton as they moved one of their church services into a farmer's barn, held their annual Christmas Tree Festival, went carol singing with the children from the village and held a Christmas concert in one of the churches.
Watch this year's Christmas Message from Bishop Martyn
In another great example of churches working in partnership together churches from across Hinckley, supported by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, held ‘Carols around the Tree' in Hinckley Market Place, on Friday 10 December.