Memorial of Lament Service with a candle lit for each of 2,000 lives lost to Covid in Leicestershire
19th March 2021Making space for grief and lament as we approach the anniversary of the first lockdown
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Making space for grief and lament as we approach the anniversary of the first lockdown
As we get closer to Holy Week Bishop Martyn reflects of the arrest of Jesus in this week's video.
On 23 March 2021, it'll be one year since the first UK lockdown. Since then, many people have been bereaved, both as a result of Covid-19 and due to other causes. Find out more about how your church could mark this day in your community and about Leicester Cathedral's Memorial of Lament taking place in the evening online.
Thirteen churches in the Diocese of Leicester have received a financial boost from the government's £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to help fund repairs during the coronavirus pandemic. Lifeline grants from the Culture Recovery Fund are designed to protect heritage sites and ensure that jobs and access to culture and heritage in local communities are protected during the months ahead. The £88m Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage is a joint fund, allocated by Historic England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Bishop Guli will legally become the Bishop of Chelmsford later this week and there will be a farewell service for her livestreamed from Leicester Cathedral on 25 April at 3pm. Here are some further details...
Revd Wendy Dalrymple, Rector of All Saints with Holy Trinity in Loughborough, and currently Area Dean of Akley East, has been elected Chair of the House of Clergy following Peter Hooper's departure to become Archdeacon of France.
The new Counselling Service which is available to Clergy and their families, and Licensed Lay Leaders has been up and running since October 2020. This is one avenue of support offered by the Diocese. If you would like to discuss your issues with someone and would like to explore if counselling could offer you the support you need, please contact our Diocesan Counselling Coordinator Anissa Chung on or 0739 819 9392 to book an initial meeting.
In this week's reflection Bishop Martyn continues with the theme of the temptations Jesus faced.
Leicester Cathedral will host a special online service on 7 March with the Chief Constable, Bishop and Dean of Leicester and High Sheriff's Chaplain
In his next video reflection, Bishop Martyn looks at our temptation to perform.