Buckingham Palace has announced the death of The Duke of Edinburgh
9th April 2021The Bishop of Leicester has paid tribute to HRH Prince Philip
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The Bishop of Leicester has paid tribute to HRH Prince Philip
Specially blessed coins have been sent from the royal Chapel at St James Palace
Another Lent in lockdown hasn't stopped our worshipping communities around the diocese from journeying in faith together. From courses over zoom and daily reflections, to virtual prayer walks and quiz show style challenges, you've been connecting with God – and each other - in ways you might never have imagined.
Stunning artwork by Luxmuralis shared online for everyone to enjoy
Leicestershire at the Cross will be broadcast online at 5.45pm Good Friday
An alternative version of Leicestershire at the Cross will be broadcast on Youtube on Good Friday evening instead of the traditional gathering people together in Leicester city centre to watch a re-enactment of the death and resurrection of Jesus
Bishop Martyn led an online Diocesan Retreat on 25 March with three short video reflections on 2 Corinthians 1 v1-11, focussing on what the passage can teach us about weakness, humility and suffering.
The insights generated by your stories have helped shape the focus of our working groups and offered understanding into how we care for and use our church buildings, how we raise and best use our diocesan finance, and the provision of our ministry going forward. But they have also raised the fact that there are likely to be areas where we live with a tension going forward. This longer read explores some of these insights and tensions in more detail.
In this week's reflection Bishop Martyn dwells on Peter's denial of Jesus
As many Leicestershire places of worship remain closed as we mark a year since lockdown began, Bishop Martyn encourages us to take responsibility individually and collectively