#1 New Communities - Shaped By God Together Strategic Priorities
27th April 2021In this series of videos Bishop Martyn will explore more about our diocesan strategic priorities.
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In this series of videos Bishop Martyn will explore more about our diocesan strategic priorities.
Women from the Cornerstone Team of churches and the wider community came together in faith and fellowship over an online prayer breakfast recently. It was a time to gather and chat, read the Bible, worship together and pray. Around 45 ladies attended the ‘zoom' session, from St Luke's church in Thurnby, St Catherine's Church in Houghton on the Hill and St Mary's and All Saints in Stoughton.
At a time when important, but often difficult, conversations are being held within the Church of England, Christians across the diocese are being encouraged to engage with the reconciliation ministry course, Difference. The course explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict and see transformation through everyday encounters.
The Gaia installation will be on display in the Cathedral from 17 May- 6 June and aims inspire awe, wonder and humility and to invite us to ask ourselves why God has given us this beautiful environment, as well as to spark conversations about climate change.
A special service will be livestreamed on Sunday (25 April) at 3pm
The national Church's Anti-Racism Taskforce report is published and our own diocese's Racial Equity Strategy
The Bishop of Leicester has become the Bishop Protector for the Franciscans Third Order
We are delighted to announce that Paul Stothard has begun work for the diocese
Bishop Martyn has spoken about the publication of the Anti-Racism Taskforce Report due out this week
Join an online service from Leicester Cathedral on Thursday at 5pm