Summer Outreach Across the Diocese
2nd September 2024Over the summer, churches across the diocese have been getting away together, holding fairs, hosting BBQs, and serving their local communities in a huge number of ways.
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Over the summer, churches across the diocese have been getting away together, holding fairs, hosting BBQs, and serving their local communities in a huge number of ways.
After much hard work, planning, preparation and prayer, St Mary’s Church in Lutterworth has recently opened the Churchgate Community Centre - a newly renovated space in the town, dedicated to the community.
The fourth issue of the Oxford Journal for Intercultural Mission, which includes an article by Bishop Martyn on ‘Waking Up To And Addressing Whiteness In The Anglican Church’, is now available to download.
Many churches choose the season of Creationtide to hold special services and events, including their Harvest celebrations, giving thanks for God's gift of creation, and renewing their commitment to caring for our one planet home. There are a wealth of resources available. Here are a few to get you started...
Local artist Hayley Fern is well known by many for her ambitious project to draw every church building in the Diocese of Leicester. Her first solo exhibition is now on display at Coalville C.A.N. until 19 August 2024, featuring nature inspired paintings alongside a selection of her church drawings.
The Church of the Martyrs in Leicester have found a great way to casually, and rather comfortably, connect with its neighbours this summer through ‘Sofa Chat’.
The Diocese of Leicester has been selected to join a pilot scheme offering parishes training and support from Renew Wellbeing to launch simple, welcoming, café-style spaces.
During the last few months our Bishops have been busy baptising and confirming candidates the diocese wide. In June and July, many of our worshipping communities welcomed and witnessed members of their church families taking the next step on their faith journeys.
Last Autumn, three families felt a shared sense of calling to become part of the weekly worshipping community at The Good Shepherd.
Up and down the diocese our worshipping communities are running holiday play schemes, cafés, craft events and camps, making vital connections between church and children and offering loving service to the community.