
The Revd Jennifer Ridge - Licensing

It has been confirmed that The Revd Jenny Ridge will be licensed by the Bishop of Leicester, The Rt Revd Martyn Snow, as Priest in Charge of Holy Apostles, Leicester, on Sunday 13 June 2021 at 4pm at Holy Apostles church.

The Revd David McDonough

The Bishop announces that The Revd David McDonough, Rector in the Benefice of Anstey and Thurcaston with Cropston, will be retiring with effect from 1 July 2021.

The Revd Linda Blay

The Bishop announces that The Revd Linda Blay, Rector of the Benefice of the Fenn Lanes Group, will be retiring with effect from 30th June 2021

The Revd Michael Fish

The Bishop announces that The Revd Michael Fish, Vicar of the Benefice of Blackfordby and Woodville (Christ the Redeemer), has been appointed as Vicar of Holy Cross, Blackpool in the Diocese of Blackburn.

The Revd Michael Reginald Ward

The Bishop announces the death of The Revd Michael Ward, born in 1931, on Thursday 11th March 2021. Michael was ordained in 1956 and ministered in the Dioceses of London, Southwark and Gloucester, before becoming Vicar at Barkby and Queniborough from 1985 – 1990.

The Revd Ian Hill

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment (subject to DBS clearance) of The Revd Ian Hill, Rector of the United Benefice of Aspenden, Buntingford & Westmill in the Diocese of St Albans, as Vicar of St Mary's Hinckley with St Francis Centre.

The Revd Jennifer Ridge

The Bishop is pleased to announce the appointment of The Revd Jenny Ridge, Curate in the Benefice of Holy Trinity with St. John the Divine, as Priest in Charge of Holy Apostles, Leicester.

The Ven Alan Norman Davis

The Bishop announces the death of The Ven Alan Davis, aged 82, on Wednesday 3rd March 2021.

Stephen Barney

The Bishop announces the retirement of Canon Stephen Barney as Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF).  Mr David Palmer will be nominated for appointment as interim Chair for the remainder of the current triennium at the forthcoming meeting of the Diocesan Synod on 18 March.

The Revd Simon Lumby

The Bishop announces the resignation of The Revd Simon Lumby, Vicar of the Benefice of St Aidan, with effect from 28th February 2021.

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