News & Stories

Walking Church

Twenty people set out on a lovely warm sunny March morning for Walking Church. The winter mud had all but dried up, so after listening to the words of the Sunday gospel and having prayed together in the village car park, the group ventured out across the fields.

Bishop Saju getting to know the diocese

The new Bishop of Loughborough as been getting to the know diocese as he travels around listening to our worshipping communities as well as local community and other faiths groups.

Bishop and Dean pay tribute to former Leicestershire Police Chief Constable

They join thousands in mourning the loss of Simon Cole

10,000 knitted chain links focus prayer for modern slavery victims

The Mothers' Union knitted chain has been on display at the Community of the Tree of Life Chapel

Hope Hamilton Church is working to reach out to its community this Easter

As a growing Intercultural Worshipping Community (IWC), their vision is: all ages, all cultures, living together in Jesus.

Christian Aid is inviting churches to join together to pray and light candles for Ukraine this Sunday

Prayers for an end to the conflict and for all those affected by the terrible impact of war

The Bishop has appointed Jessie Tang as our new Intercultural Ministry Director

It is hoped that Jessie will start work in our diocese in June

New Deputy Director of Leicester Diocesan Board of Education announced

Tracey Manns will be joining the DBE as Deputy Director after the Easter holidays

Churches and Bishops Mark Solidarity with Refugees

Many parish churches and both Bishops have taken part in the national Together with Refugees campaign to urge the Government to establish an asylum system that respects the human dignity of all people. 

Cathedrals are at the heart of Covid recovery says lead Dean.

The Dean of Leicester speaks as national reports are published

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