News & Stories

War in Ukraine: advice for parishes and clergy on helping refugees

Advice for parishes and clergy on helping refugees

Leicester push to help tackle modern slavery

The Clewer Initiative is promoting its updated and improved Safe Car Wash App in Leicester this month.

Bishop joins Ukraine Church service and vigil near a monument to a genocide almost a century ago

The Bishop of Loughborough attended the service at the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Leicester on Sunday 13 March

Emergency Ukraine appeal from the Diocese in Europe and USPG

Food, medicine, shelter, care for children and people internally displaced in Ukraine is urgently needed as well as care for refugees at the borders and beyond, including people of all nationalities fleeing the war.

23 March National Day of Reflection - resources for churches

Charity Marie Curie is spearheading the campaign for a Day of Reflection to mark the two year anniversary of the beginning of the first UK lockdown

New Development Worker for Together Leicester

On the 11 January, Elaine Smith stepped into her new role of Community Development Worker for the charity Together Leicester. We met with Elaine and asked her to introduce herself and tell us a little more about her new role... 

Meet Florence Gildea our Bishop's Social Policy Adviser

Jon Barrett interviews our new Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Florence Gildea about her new role, her experience and what excites her about social action.

Sustainable Christmas ideas...

Read an article from the latest edition of SR news in which Sarah, from Just Fair Trade, offers hints and tips to have an eco-friendly and ethical Christmas this year...

Bishop's Social Policy Adviser Appointed

The Bishop of Leicester has appointed a Social Policy Adviser (two days per week and funded nationally by the Church Commissioners). Florence Gildea will start in the role in the new year but will spend occasional days in the diocese before then.

Next Suffragan Bishop of Loughborough Announced

The Revd Saju Muthalaly will start work here in the spring

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